If you were having issues with the blog today, it wasn’t just you. You’re not crazy, but I may be going crazy if PBF keeps going down every other week. Bandwidth business confuses the heck out of me, but I plan to do more research and hopefully rectify everything moving forward.
Back to your regularly scheduled blogging…
Today’s workout was the same as last Friday’s which meant I got to do my favorite circuit workout from Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp! The workout included three different circuits of three exercises that I completed as many times as I could in a 10 minute timeframe.
I actually preferred this set up compared to the usual “complete four rounds of a certain circuit” drill because I felt like I was more focused on form and getting to the next exercise than I was on counting down how many sets I had remaining. Random, but I liked it! I’m also on the lookout for a fun cardio-based workout for tomorrow morning, so if you have any suggestions or workouts you’ve been loving lately, please send ‘em my way. (Tabata and circuit-style workouts are always a favorite!)
After my workout, I worked through the morning as usual before breaking to make myself lunch.
Lunch was nice and easy today thanks to leftovers from dinner.
Last night I made a chicken dish on the stovetop using coconut milk and ginger. I added chicken, Brussels sprouts and broccoli to the pan and let everything simmer until the chicken was no longer pink. Ryan and I loved this dish and I was happy to have leftovers to enjoy for lunch this afternoon.
I also finished off the white chocolate pretzels that were calling to me from our pantry.
And now to hopefully make you smile on this lovely Friday afternoon, here are a few pictures some wonderful blog readers sent to me this morning of their beloved dogs in their weddings!
Meet adorable Bella:
And Annie and Cornflake:
Courtney’s chocolate labs, Miller and Ridge:
(Photo credit: Ali Lauren Creative Services)
Lindsay said that her sweet vizsla spent the day before the wedding at doggie daycare so she would be slightly less crazy when she appeared as the ring bearer on their wedding day:
Happy Friday!
The dogs is these pictures look so well behaved. I would love to have my pug Weezy in my wedding someday but picture it happening like the story you thought would happen with Sadie from this morning.
i love that your dog’s name is weezy. that is too adorable!
Awwww, adorable. Makes me wanna have a dog in case I’ll tie the knot someday..
Oh wait, maybe I should have a boyfriend first.
With no wedding in my anything-close-to-near future and a dog who’s already twelve and a half, I don’t think my fwend will make it to my wedding day. Even if he did, though, there’s no way he would be able to control himself. I’m impressed by these dogs!
you and me both. sadie would be a sight. they are some well-behaved and adorable dogs!
I’m such a fan of circuit workouts. They are my favorite. I have a billion to share!
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9V3e6RNwlU Sarah Fit’s circuit workout is super easy but burns around 500 calories!
2) ZWOW is my next fave. If you haven’t tried Zwow 26 or 28, you totally should. Her workouts kick butt! And they’re only 10 MINUTES! She’s on youtube!
3) Burpee challenge? Amanda Russell has one http://amanda-russell.com/fitness/workout/burpee-belly-blaster-workout/
4) http://peaceloveandoats.com/2012/06/15/friday-circuit-time/ And thats another one of my favorites!
awesome!! thanks, audrey!
I am guessing Cornflake is the little one… I want her 🙂 lol so cute!
That chicken recipe sounds amazing!!! How much coconut milk and ginger did you put in exactly?
Awe Bella! Janine- your wedding was so lovely. xo- J
Cute post Julie!
Cute pictures, for sure! That’s amazing that they got them to behave so well 😉
I recently started doing some Seal Fit workouts (like crossfit but geared toward navy seals). They’re killer but I’m loving the challenge. So far my favorites have been these two:
Run .5 miles
10 rounds:
10 burpees
10 four count mountain climbers
10 dive bomber pushups
10 leg levers
After 10 rounds run another .5 miles
1 mile run
Tabata squat, rest in squat position
Rest 1 min
Tabata pushups
Rest 1 min
Tabata flutter kicks
Rest 1 min
Tabata sprints
Those tabata sprints at the end are the killer. Hope you enjoy!
I actually just posted a tabata workout that I taught in class this week that everyone ‘enjoyed’ 😉 I’d love for you to try it!
Love the name Cornflake…soo cute! I also love that you include so many photos and stories that include dogs. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the pics!
Those dogs are too cute!!!
Awww so cute!!! I love the labs!
I love this post! I saw this morning you said you noticed a lot of pugs (because they’re supposed to be calm RIGHT?!) So I have a 6month old black pug and can I just tell you, he is NUTS? I never imagined a pug would have so much energy (the only pug I knew previously may quite possibly be the laziest dog alive). But we love him to death!! I want to incorporate him in my wedding next year but I’m just not sure how that would work logistically….
I’m loving circuits and Tabatas too. Look up Zuzana Light’s ZWOWs on youtube. She has 3o of them up now and posts a new one each week. Zuzana used to be the head trainer at Bodyrock.tv but now has her own site. I’m loving her workouts! They’re challenging and she incorporates really unique full-body moves.
Im not sure what kind of phone you have but on the iPhone there is an app called Bootcamp by BlueFin software that has a bunch of different circuit workouts. You can also customize your own and make playlists of music to go with them. I love it. If you have an iPhone you should check it out : )
Naw that’s beautiful 🙂
Have you tried the Nike training club app? Those circuits always have me sweating!
I love these photos! How cute! If you ever did this to Sadie, I’d love to see what sort of captions would come up!
LOVE these photos! So adorable!
Ughhh.. my mom would not allow our chihuahua in our wedding…she said NO LIVE ANIMALS…as if she hadn’t met the rest of our family!
We got married the same weekend Julie….to cousins in the same family! Good to find you here! Love the blog! Hope to meet one day!