Have you ever explored TripAdvisor.com and typed in the name of your home town? I always got a kick out of doing that when we lived in Orlando because the most touristy attractions and theme park restaurants were always ranked the highest while the hidden gems (see this post for my favorites!) were harder to come by.
Of course this makes sense since tons of people come to Orlando for the theme parks and rarely venture out to downtown Orlando or Winter Park, but I always thought it would be cool if TripAdvisor had a section for “Local Reviews and Recommendations” where you could get a glimpse at what those who live in the area think are the best parts of their hometown.
When Ryan set out to create a “Tour de Ocala” for me for Christmas, he turned to TripAdvisor.com for some ideas, figuring that the site offers some quality restaurant and activity reviews.
He said that when he read about The Canyons zip lining tours, he was immediately sold.
I couldn’t wait to go and was really excited to get zippin’ when we arrived around 10:45 a.m.
It wasn’t called “The Canyons” zip lining for nothing. Check out the gorgeous views!
See that suspension bridge in the distance? We walked across it and I just about died. For some reason the zip lining didn’t phase me, but that dang bridge turned my legs to Jello.
Our tour group, led by two knowledgeable and entertaining guides, Jay and Erika, included one other couple and was nice and small. Everything ran really smoothly and the whole adventure was a blast!
Not that the harnesses look good on anyone, but they look particularly awkward on the guys. And now you all probably just looked at my husband’s crotch. Awesome.
The zip lining adventure lasted about two and a half hours, included nine different “zips,” two suspension bridges and one repelling challenge.
Here’s a video of Ryan tackling “The Break Out” zip. (The Canyons name all of their zips, my favorite being “The Speed Trap” where they say they’ll fine you for going more than 40 miles per hour on the zip!)
Everything was so well organized and the gear was brand new and high-quality. It was a great experience!
By the time we were done it was close to 2 p.m. and I was starving!
When we got home we made BBQ pulled chicken subs using a big multigrain bread loaf that we picked up on the way home and briefly baked in the oven.
You can’t beat warm, fresh, doughy sub bread!
On the side I had a sliced apple and a few strawberries.
Ryan and I also shared some peanut toffee candy that I bought on impulse at the grocery store.
It looked too good to resist and tasted fantastic. You know I’m a sucker for peanuts!
The adventures for the day aren’t over yet. We still have date night tonight! Hope you guys are enjoying your Saturday!
what a fun-filled day together!! i LOVE zip lining! i went in Kauai with my dad and absolutely loved it. it’s a great way to see some spectacular views. haha i loved your comment about the harnesses – so true! enjoy your date night together!
haha I died laughing at the picture of “Ryan’s crotch!” (well more of your comment… and then I looked and laughed 🙂 )
Looks so fun!!
Such a fun day! Ya man and I have the same tennis shoes. Gotta love shopping in the men’s shoes!
That looks like so much fun! We went zip lining on our honeymoon in Costa Rica…but this makes me want to look up where it is around Orlando and do it again! 🙂
Oh, and “holla” back at Ryan for tackling “The Break Out”!
Zip lining is awesome! Mark and I did it here in Georgia 2 years ago and had a blast. Great video!
Ah this looks like so much fun!! The video was awesome too, y’all are too cute :p
So awesome! I have ALWAYS wanted to do that. I should look up if there are places locally here too!
Take me when I come to Florida in the summer? 😉
And yep…totally looked after that comment. Haha!
Oh my gosh, I would be way too nervous to try ziplining, but that does look really cool! What a nifty date 🙂
I’ve never had luck with TripAdvisor– it always seems like reviews from old people, to me. I like Yelp! Yelp actually does have “lists” from people who actually LIVE in the cities/towns and give their own local recommendations, outside of the touristy stuff. You should check out Yelp next time! (yelp.com)
Looks like fun! My kids came in the room when I started your video so I ended up watching it three times. Now my kids want to go. 🙂
That looks so fun! I zip lined in Belize through the rain forest and it’s such a great experience! The video is hilarious, especially at the very end haha!
That looks like so much fun! Zip lining & date night all in one day?! Awesome!
Holy fun times!!! I’ve always wanted to go zip lining and the Brevard Zoo just added a zip line adventure.
My boyfriend and I went zip lining in the middle of Ohio last fall while on vacation. It was definitely a highlight of the trip!! I’m glad you had fun!
Haha I laughed outloud when you wrote “now your all looking at Ryans crotch” my 5 year old is like whats so funny? I’m oh nothing they looking like they are having so much fun thats all!
Zip lining is so much fun. Did it over the glaciers up in Whistler! (I’m a little on the light side and ended up needing a good push so I’d make it the whole way across!) Hope you have a nice date night!
How awesome!!! Looked like so much fun! We went ziplining in Salida,CO this past summer and it was the best experience ever! I’d love to incorporate ziplining trips into every vacation! I feel like such a daredevil!
This looks so fun! I’m from the Ocala area and always visited that canyon! A zip line is the perfect addition!
We did this in Costa Rica and loved it!
That looks like so much fun! You and Ryan are so cute, and I loved the video. I think it is fun to actually hear your voices since I kind of made up in my mind how you would both sound!
Enjoy your date night!
That video was pretty much the cutest thing ever!! It looks like you had a blast!! I LOVE ziplining!! Have a great date night 🙂
Looks like a blast! I love zip lining and hve heard there are some awesome
Ones here’s in NC that I definitely need to check out soon!
im lmao! omg that pic made me burst out laughing…yea im a mature 23 yr old..not lol
Wow, you are brave! I’m not sure I could zip line. Good for you!
That looks like sooo much fun!!! I would be so scared for the bridge too. Have fun!
I totally admit it…I looked at Ryan’s crotch and it definitely looks more uncomfortable for a man. Glad you two had fun…can’t wait to see what you have planned for date night tonight! 🙂
How fun! I’ve always wanted to try this 😀
Looks fun! I will definitely be checking out the website to see what hidden gems there are near my home. It’s amazing that you can live somewhere for years and never really know what all is available to do!
I love zip lining! I’ve only done it once in Hawaii, but want to do it again so badly. How awesome you live close to one! I live in NYC so I’m not really sure it would work here- ha! 😉
Ahaha I love the video! You guys are so cute. I’ve been dying to try zip-lining, but all of my friends are too scared! This is the year that I make someone do it with me.
Ok, I looked. But I wouldn’t have noticed unless you said something so rest assured more ladies are now checking out your man’s goodies because you pointed it out. 🙂
I never would have thought there was zip lining in Florida! How cool! My husband and I went when we were on our Honeymoon in the Dominican Republic. I totally know what you mean about the gear on guys, so funny!
Awh it looks like you guys had such a blast! Way jealous :)! hahaha “we made it! holla!” too funny.
That looks so awesome! When we were planning a trip to Orlando last year, I actually looked up zip line places. But then when I saw that you zip line over alligators, I changed my mind.
I hate driving over bridges, I couldn’t imagine crossing that suspension bridge. You’re brave!
I went zip lining in Costa Rica and it was so much fun! Don;t worry, I too couldn’t help but notice how awkward guys look in those harnesses. LOL
By the way, have you heard of notfortourists.com? It’s like a Frommer’s guide, except they specifically talk about those hole in the wall places that only locals know about. it’s pretty awesome
Oh how fun! I bet that was super exciting! 🙂 Have fun on your date tonight 🙂
What a fun day! Have fun on your date! Hopefully I can get zip lining some day 🙂
Julie you make that harness look cute!! lol
That sounds like a super fun date I’m dying to try zip lining 🙂 🙂
That looks like so much fun!
Awww! So much fun!!!! You two are SO cute! Date Day+Date Night!? Too fun! I just looked up things to do in my city…things are looking like too much fun. Haha! I’ll have to look around for places to zipline! It is something I’ve always wanted to do!
Y’all are too cute!
Looks like so much fun! There is one here in WA I’ll have to check out.
i totally looked at ryans crotch right after you said it was awkward on the guys…sorry ryan! but i didnt look before 🙂
So Fun!! I LOVE zip lining. We went on our honeymoon and it was a blast. I’m totally looking up Dallas on TripAdviosr.com right now. Great idea.
And now you’re all probably looking at my husbands crotch. Awesome. I just died laughinf for about 5 minutes!
I got a serious case of the giggles at the crotchal region reference… but then BUSTED out laughing when I heard Ryan comment “it’s not my feet I’m worried about!” on the damned video.
Dying, simply dying! 🙂
Looks like way too much fun.
my sincerest apologies for looking at your husbands crotchal region.
looks like a fun time!
That looks like so much fun! I would have been terrified but in a good way. Hilarious about the harnesses. Great delivery on the joke!
Those harnesses look like the ones we used when we went skydiving. We have some seriously awkward pictures of the boys hahaha 😉 Looks like y’all had lot o’ fun! Enjoy your weekend!
That looks so fun!! On the video of Ryan ziplining, at first I thought the noise I heard was him screaming/yelling until I realized it was just the noise from the actual zipline, haha. Your lunch made me crave some BBQ pulled chicken! I might have to make some in the crockpot this week.
HOW fun! My hubby loves ziplining–and I’ve never tried it–but those views do look gorgeous!
Your comment about the harnesses is very true….and hilarious! hah.