Ryan jokes that every time I return home after visiting a new place, I immediately tell him I want to move there because I love it so much. Well, my ridiculous tendency to want to move everywhere I travel continues.
But, with views like this, can you blame me?
Fall is my favorite season of the year, but in Florida I am not able to experience all of the beautiful changing leaves and the crisp air, so spending time in Canada where autumn is in full swing is such a treat. I am soaking up everything and feel like everywhere I go I am in awe of my surroundings. High five, Mother Nature!
Zip Lining at Arbraska Laflèche
My time in Canada began early Monday afternoon when I arrived at the airport in Ottawa and met up with a small group of bloggers and journalists to kick off one heck of an amazing press trip.
Check ‘em out:
The five of us were invited on an adrenaline-themed press trip by Tourism Outaouais and Tourisme Quebec and our fabulous press trip leaders, Anne and Marouan, wasted no time whisking us off on our first adventure of the day.
We drove out to Arbraska, an aerial and cave park with lots of outdoor activities. Before we were ready for anything too adventurous, we took 20 minutes to eat a picnic lunch. We dug into fantastically fresh food from Marius Provence, a cafe that specializes in French Provence-inspired dishes.
I chose a nicoise salad and a whole grain croissant and polished off both in 2.5 seconds.
I was hungry!
Once we were all finished eating, it was time to walk up to the cabin to slip into the proper safety gear before heading out on a zip lining and tree-top obstacle adventure.
One of our guides for the day, Spider, helped me get into my harness and laughed at all my layers. This Florida girl isn’t used to the cold!
It was so, so great to be reunited with my good friend Anne! Ever since we hung out last year at a Reebok event, we’ve stayed in touch and chat regularly and she is such a fun person to be around. We always have a blast together!
Once we were geared up, we followed Spider on a short hike to a small safety course where we tested our gear and made sure we knew how to properly use the carabineers and pulleys.
We all passed inspection and within 10 minutes we found ourselves up in the tree tops tackling our first few obstacle courses.
The tree top obstacles were crazy fun! I felt secure thanks to the two carabineers but the ropes and boards were very wobbly which kept all of us on edge throughout the entire experience.
At one point, Spider could tell we were feeling more comfortable and decided to shake things up a bit by jumping on the ropes which naturally made me scream like crazy. I really didn’t have high expectations for the obstacle portion of our day and thought zip lining would steal the show, but the obstacles were such a blast and would be a really fun date or family adventure with older children. I loved every minute!
After our final obstacle, it was time to zip line!
Go Anne, go!
Zip lining over the colorful foliage was incredible.
We also zip lined over a beautiful lake (I saw a beaver!) and I’m pretty sure I could’ve spent four more hours out there playing around in the tree tops. It was such a wonderful way to spend a day!
More Canada fun to come!
Question of the Morning
- Have you ever been zip lining or done an obstacle course in the tree tops?
I totally feel you about living in FL and missing fall! We are down in Bradenton, right next to Sarasota:)
Next time you come down you and Ryan will have to go check out Tree Umph. It’s an obstacle course in the trees with zip lining. Looks very similar to the one you did in Canada. You guys would love it!
Awesome! Thanks for the suggestion. We definitely will! 🙂
Ahh I’m SO jealous! What a fantastic opportunity! I love the idea of going on an adventure trip in a foreign country and meeting new people. You’ve got yourself a sweet job there, missy ;).
Hope you’re having a blast!
Never been zip lining but it looks like lots of fun 🙂
You should come visit Australia then as you will surely will want to move here then!
Australia would be incredible! I am dying to visit one day!
that looks AWESOME!! i’ve never zip lined or done an obstacle course like that but a park in st louis actually just built a zip lining thing this past summer – i’ll have to check it out!
It is beautiful there! Fall is the best!
I’ve never been ziplining, but we are considering going when we vacation in Punta Cana later this year.
Now you understand how we Canadians feel looking at the Florida heat all through the freezing cold Canadian winter. But yes, I have to agree that fall in North-East Canada is absolutely stunning…you should come to Toronto next 🙂
Gorgeous views! I’ve never been there, even though I’m fairly sure it’s just around the corner. Enjoy the rest of your trip. 🙂
That obstetrical course sounds SO fun! I bet it was a good workout too…you’re going to feel it in your legs! I would love to do that sometime. I’ve been ziplining in Mexico, SO fun!
Ahh that looks super fun! Zip lining is on my bucket list, and I might just have to go to the Outaouais region to do that because the views are just gorgeous!
This looks absolutely beautiful! Can’t wait to read more!
So beautiful! I have been zip lining and I loved it!!!
I love obstacle courses like that! I have always had to do them for “team bonding” reasons, and it is inevitable to start off rolling your eyes, but after about 2 minutes I always have a blast!
I worked at a camp where the Chick-Fila cow came and ziplined with the staffers one day. It was part of the camp promo video. I wasn’t one of the lucky ones to actually zipline with the cow, but I did get to zipline! What a rush! I also tried an obstacle course up in the trees once when I was in middle school. Only, I was terrified of the height, and I wasn’t tall enough to reach around the tree to hook myself to the next part. (Did I mention middle school was traumatic?) Looks like you are having fun, eh? 🙂 Enjoy the fall leaves!
WOW looks incredible! i would love to do something like that
Yay! So glad you’re enjoying your time here!
Looks like a great day — can’t wait to see what else you got up to!
I am the same way and want to move everywhere I travel too…or visit there constantly!! 🙂 This trip looks amazing! In Indianapolis, we have an outdoor tree-top zip lining “adventure” called Go-Ape and it is SO FUN!! Can’t wait to read more about your trip!
I’ve done high ropes courses for lots of team building activities– it definitely builds trust! I’ve never been ziplining and so so so want to go!!
I bet the beaver appreciates the call out : P The views really are gorgeous. I grew up in upstate NY and the seasons were a bit harsh for me. Now that I am in DC / Northern VA I love the milder seasons and that I drive 10 minutes out of the city and be in the mountains. I couldn’t live without greenery!
I’ve been ziplining twice (two different trips) in Costa Rica. Breathtakingly gorgeous and such an adventure.
In Whistler!!! So much fun!
I love ziplining! We did it on our honeymoon and it was amazing. I also had the chance to do an obstacle course in Deep Creek Lake, MD before doing a zipline, and it was so fun! I definitely thought that would be dumb, and really went for the zipline, but the obstacles made it that much more exhilarating!
Wow that is gorgeous! Perfect time to zipline over the changing leaves. I’ve never been but don’t really love heights so I’m not sure if I would be a fan.
I love zip lining! What a beautiful course!
I went ziplining on my honeymoon in Costa Rica and it was incredible!
I’ve been reading your blog for a while but this is my first comment. This where my son celebrated his 8th birthday. I’m from England originally but now live in Quebec – the fall in Canada is definitely stunning!
I have never zip-lined, but it is on my to do list. Looks like a beautiful experience!
So fun! The fall colors are beautiful up there!! Can’t wait for colors to change down here! Ziplining and tree top obstacles look like a blast! Have so much fun! Can’t wait to see more!!
I’ve gone to La Flèche many times…it is such an amazing time every time I’ve gone! That’s great that you had so much fun! Pretty cool that you saw a beaver 🙂 Make sure to enjoy a beaver tail before you leave (Available in the Byward Market!) 🙂
I live in Ontario and have been reading your blog for about a year now, I’m so glad you finally got to experience Canada, fall here is definitely the best season!
I went zip lining in Maui on our honeymoon, and I loved it!
It looks like you are having a blast! I went ziplining and did some tree top obstacles when I studied abroad in Wales, and it was a awesome. Once I got over my fear of heights, that is 🙂 Have a great rest of the trip!
I literally burst out laughing that you come to Canada and see a beaver. Now all you need to do is hunt down a moose and try some curling while downing a Tim’s double-double and you’ll be an honorary citizen!
I went zip lining in Costa Rica and it was absolutely amazing. I was so nervous at first but it is an experience I will never forget!
Wow what beauty! I currently live just under 2 hours from canada and just like there the leaves are already changing! It’s such a beautiful time!! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Ah so jealous! I’ve never been on any kind of big zipline, but these photos remind me of when my Girl Scout Troop used to go to a camp for a weekend sleepover in the fall, and we’d get to do this really cool zipline! Haha seemed pretty scary back then.
What fun activities I would love to try them!!!
Wow, that looks amazing! I’ve never been zip lining but I always say it’s the one “semi risky” thing I am willing to try. We have a zip line by us, so hopefully I’ll get around to it this year ;-).
The obstacle course thing looks so cool – I will look into if they have them by me. You’re definitely making me want to hop on a plane to canada!
I’ve never zip lined, but I do LOVE Canada! Such a great country with nice people!
My bridesmaids took me zip lining on my stagette. I agreed to do it and even thought it would be fun. But when they got me up into the tree and expected me to jump out I freaked and became a weeping mess. I refused to do it and ended up walking. I was terrified and if a bear had blocked my escape I would have fought it to avoid the zip line.
Oh my goodness, this looks like so much fun! I’ve never been zip lining before, but I think I really need to do it. What a blast!
Arbraska is really popular in Québec! We have a couple locations and they all have different obstacles so it’s different everywhere! Fall is my favorite season in this beautiful province of mine! But it also reminds me everyday that winter is coming up… You said you’d like to move here but I would definitely suggest you coming mid-January when there is a sh*t load of snow and when it’s so cold you can barely breathe lol You might change your mind then! I would die to move to Florida and not having to survive Winter every year hahaha
Have you learn some French since you’ve been there?
Bonne journée!! 🙂
I feel ya on the layers of clothing! The temperatures where I live have just recently dipped into the 60’s after being in the 90’s all summer, which has me wearing three layers at all times now! haha! I love obstacle courses! During my time in ROTC in college, my favorite training day was the obstacle course, which included climbing ropes, rolling over logs, so fun!
My husband says the same thing about me! I’m not a fan of Oklahoma where we currently live, and I’m always anxious to move any place we travel to!
I do the same thing when I travel – make plan of moving there! Ha I’m sure the infactuation subsides when real life takes over no matter where you live! I have GOT to go zip lining. Add it to the list!
I love zip lining! I’ve been a couple times and we have a course really similar to what you did in Williamsburg. It’s so much fun!
I’ve been zip lining at a place right outside Nashville. It was the most fun!! Can’t wait to go again. Total blast!
My brother went zip-lining in Costa Rica and had a great time! It would have been right up his alley if an obstacle course is involved. He’s all about “active” trips rather than just sight-seeing!
Yayyyy! I’m glad you’re loving Canada, it’s a really amazing place to live, I have been born and raised here. I tried zip lining once in Whistler, BC and it was the most fun ever. Glad you guys had such an amazing day!!
What an amazing day! Definetly try a crepe while you’re in Quebec, they’re delicious!!
SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!! Super jealous but happy you’re getting to experience this, how cool! Be safe xxxxooo Mer