I always look forward to eating lunch, but some days I feel overly excited to dig into my lunch bag!
Today was one of those days.
I used leftover trout from last night’s dinner to make a trout salad by combining light Miracle Whip, honey mustard and dill.
I then spread the trout salad on an everything bagelthin and served it up with a side of Chobani strawberry banana Greek yogurt and a stick of Colby jack cheese.
Loved this lunch.
The saltiness from the trout bagelwich was perfectly offset by the creamy Greek yogurt.
Julie the Tomboy
Earlier today Heather tweeted to me about the Baby-sitter’s Club, saying my hair reminded her of Dawn, one of the main characters in the popular books who had blonde hair.
I laughed because when I was younger, my friends and I made our own babysitter’s club, with each of us assigned to one of the characters.
I was Dawn. (I actually have a picture to prove this very story, but fear my friends would all drop out of my wedding if I posted it on the blog. 😉 )
Truth be told, I didn’t want to be Dawn. I wanted to be Kristy, the tomboy.
When I was in elementary school, I was basically a boy. I wore “Shoot like a Girl” t-shirts, Umbros, baggy sweatshirts and sneakers. My hair was always in a pony tail.
Eventually my interests changed, but I still laugh looking back at pictures of the little boy I once was. 😉
Questions of the Afternoon
- Were you a tomboy or a girly girl growing up?
- Did you ever go through a tomboy phase?
- Was there a Baby-sitter’s Club character you most admired?
I was always pretty much a girly girl, but that being said, I love to ride four-wheeler in my heels..haha!
Oh man, the BSC–what memories! I was definitely a tomboy growing up. I hated wearing dresses or skirts or anything pink, and I always preferred being around boys. I still love hanging with the guys, but I’ve definitely embraced my feminine side as I’ve gotten older!
P.S. I always wanted to be Claudia…she was so funky and artsy!
My friends and I also had a Babysitter’s Club situation going on. I was Kristy.
I’ve been in a perpetual tomboy phase for my entire life. I’m not sure I will ever grow out of it. Sweats and ponytails are my friends! 😉
So funny- we played BSC too!! 😀 I liked Kristy that best- and her whole story with her Dad, etc. And I swear I watched that movie EVERY SINGLE time it was on. I just LOVED it.
And, I had strawberry/banana chobani today too- and I deifnitely have to thank you for it! I probably would of never known about it until I saw it on here one day. But I can only find it at the downtown Publix- not the one by my house- they never have any of the ‘cool’ products first 🙂
Looks good! Can’t wait to substitute traditional smoked salmon and cream cheese with trout and light miracle whip.
I can’t picture you as a tomboy! I was always kind of the shy, basic girl until middle school. Then, I broke out of my shell and was always the girl next door type of girl. Not really girly but not tomboy either.
haha it wasn’t a good look for me! 🙂
I was a tomboy also! Umbros were totally the thing to wear! My interests also changed, but I did enjoy playing race cars with the boys instead of Barbies with the girls. I think I owned one Barbie and it was from my Grandma in hopes that I would play with it. I think we ran her over with a race car and buried her in a shoe box. 🙂 Now I still love playing with the boys but wearing skirts and more fashionable clothes. 😉
I was such a tomboy! Still kind of am… but I like dressing up too:)
🙂 I loved the BSC 🙂 I related to all of the characters, but I really liked Dawn because of her healthy habits, etc. I looked like a MaryAnn though. Oh, the good old days!
I was a total tomboy and still think of myself that way to a certain extent. I would much rather by climbing a mountain in shorts and a baggy shirts sans make up then getting all dressed up for something
I loved the Babysitter’s Club! I spent all of 4th-6th grade reading those books! I especially loved Dawn and Stacey (mainly because I thought I looked like them with the blonde hair). I always dreamed about starting my own Babysitter’s Club but never did! *sigh* I didn’t even know there was a movie!! I want to watch it now, and now I feel like reading one of the books just for old time’s sake!
I am a huge BSC fan. I wanted to be Claudia but could never be as cool as her.
LOVED BSC!!! I always secretly liked Maryanne because she had Logan!!! And I L-O-V-E-D Logan! haha…but I probably most like Kristy.
I totally remember BSC! Also a big fan of Sweet Valley High (for sure wished I had a twin growing up)!
Oh man, my sisters and I tried to have our own BSC — it is hilarious to remember!
I definitely wanted to be Claudia — she had the best clothes!
Ooh this is a tough one! I always loved Claudia AND Stacey. Claudia had strict parents with deep morals, so I could relate but Stacey was always going to NYC and I, of course, thought that was so dreamy. Tough choice!
Omggg I loved that show/movie! I used to watch it all the timeee! =) Lunch looks delish!
how funny…i was a total tomboy! and still kinda am 🙂 but i used to want to dress like claudia – she seemed SO COOL!
I went through a tomboy phase too, and all of my friends did too! I think it was the cool thing, actually. 🙂 And I had so many pair of umbros! My favorite was this pair that was purple on one leg and orange on the other. Oh, 90s fashion!
Sucha cute post! I can’t decide if I was a tomboy or just a girl who really didn’t know how to dress! I think my closet consisted of sweats, turtle necks, headbands and LONG socks that I would crinkle up over my sweat pants. I was a mess!
Oh my, I definltly went through the same thing you did. I alwasy wore baggy t0shirts so i could play basketball with the boys at lunch. I never wore my hair down and I would wear baggy sweatshirts.
and my hair would have those little baby hairs curlin around my bangs. Yuck!
Oh my, I definltly went through the same thing you did. I alwasy wore baggy tshirts so i could play basketball with the boys at lunch. I never wore my hair down and I would wear baggy sweatshirts.
and my hair would have those little baby hairs curlin around my bangs. Yuck!
I’m not even kidding when I say I think I owned over 50 of the books!! My parents eventually made me stop buying them and encouraged me to get a library card!! I was in love with Mary Anne (and therefore in love with.. Logan I believe his name was?!) I definitely started a club with my friends..and have even watched the movie a few times when it’s come on the peachtree channel (oldies) LOL!! Thanks for the good memories with this post 🙂
I loved the babysitters club and totally had a club in school too haha. I was Jessie because I loved to dance ballet. Was anyone ever Jessie? lol
say hello to your friends…baby sitters club…
omg. i loooved those books. i loved stacy (i was definitely a girly girl as a kid) but felt the asian connection w/claudia. hahaha.
I grew up with 2 brothers in a neighborhood of all boys and wore only umbros and tshirts til middle school!! I wanted so badly to play baseball and hockey in the yard with them, but I wasn’t very good. Or tough enough.
I wanted to be Claudia because she was the only Asian one AND she wore cool clothes haha. But I remember reading those books and thinking thirteen was sooo grown up
I LOVED the Babysitters Club! I liked Stacey and MaryAnne. I miss those books!!
Julie- Loved this post! My cousin sent me this hysterical article the other day about the BSC and “Where Are They Now?” because she and I grew up reading and loving those books! After I read your post I had to share!
I, too, was always Dawn growing up (but I wished I could have been Stacey!), although I think I am more like Kristy in this funny grown up version, lol. I guess its good to make fun of ourselves!
All the best!
this is hysterical! the posts about dawn & kristy had me cracking up!
I just remembered something – in the BSC movie, Kristy was played by Schuyler Fisk, who is now a singer-songwriter and occasional actress. I have seen her in concert a few times and she’s quite good!
aw, i totally loved bsc. i was a maryanne at heart, such a goodie two shoes! but, she got a cute boyfriend, so that totally made it worth it 🙂
Pretty sure I wanted to be Stacy! I think I related more to Kristy though. But Stacy seemed so cool to me and always seemed to have such a fun life (minus the diabetes–I’ll never forget that’s how I learned what diabetes was).
That’s how I learned about diabetes too!
I wanted to be Stacy! I thought she was sooooo cool haha
I think I read the “Super Series” about the trip they took to Disney World at least a dozen times. Ohhh those were the days.
Heehee I like this post… My sister and cousin and I had a BSC club too.
I was not a tomboy but not a girly girl either. I always wore baggy jeans and tee shirts because I was ashamed of my shape! After I graduated I started buying clothes in my size and people were like “wow you lost weight!” Nope, my clothes just fit right!
So I was probably a Kristy for style and a Mary-Anne for personality although I related to horse crazy writer Mallory too.
I have a challenge for you – go a week without a sandwich thin or bagelwich! Wouldn’t that be a good challenge for you? =)
yes, it would be! when packing my lunch to take to work, i always reach for simple, fast meals & a sandwich often does the trick.
You see, I was a bit younger when the Babysitters Club was a HUGE hit. I never read the books but you can bet I darn tootin watched that movie day in and day out. However, before the movie fascination, I belongs to Babysitters Club-Little Sister generation. Karen, anyone?!!! Love it.
OMG! I used to LOVE BSC. I think Dawn and Stacey were my favorites… I can’t remember anymore! =\ But I know I loved the books. 😀
I loved the Babysitter’s Club! I used to wish I was Stacy because I thought Anastasia was a pretty name and I focused in on her because we both had blood sugar problems. I loved babysitting when I was little. And while I was never a tomboy, my sister was. I have pictures of her dressing like a cowboy, just like my dad and brother. =-)
I actually used to be the biggest tomboy as well! People who just meet me now think I’m joking 😛
By the way, those thin bagels you eat look good! I’ll look out for some at my grocery store
definitely look for the “everything” flavor. i don’t like any of the others b/c they taste really bland.
def a tomboy–i loved exploring in the woods, playing video games, and riding my bike 🙂
I think I was a girly girl with a desire to be a tomboy:)
This post just made my day and I thank you so much for not putting my frizzy haired-brace-faced picture on your website! I didn’t realize you truly wanted to be Kristy, but perhaps me being Kristy was payback for all those times you got to be Belle 😉
you literally made me laugh out loud with this comment, kb! i almost choked on my gum!
i go here on the regular…and i’m 26. that’s my only response. <3
how cool!
LOL – I was mostly a girly girl but not totally encouraged to express it. So, I remember a time when I thought it’d be better to dress like a boy – I was probably about 11 or 12. I wore a backwards baseball cap and a striped baggy shirt to my Grandparents’ home, and my Grandpa asked “what are you, a Hells’ Angel?” That was the end of that!
Regarding the Babysitters Club, I was definitely Mallory (bookish and with glasses), but wanted to be Dawn 🙂
I was very much a tomboy growing up and am now the girliest girly girl according to my boyfriend lol
I was never a tomboy. and I LOVED the BSC! i wanted to be claudia. her outfits always sounded fun and she was crafty like me.
Also, did you know there is a prequel released this spring?? I want to go check it out from the library now! http://www.worldcat.org/title/summer-before/oclc/437300804&referer=brief_results
I loved the BSC! The books and the movies and wasn’t there even a TV show? I’m trying to remember the characters but I definitely remember Dawn and Kristy. I secretly wanted to be Kristy too. Definitely a major Tomboy growing up but now I resemble nothing of the sorts.
I used to have the baby sitter club books! Lol, so long ago it seems!
I think I had every BSC books. Kristy was my favorite too. I was definitely a tomboy growing up. I always wanted to hang out with my brother and his friends, and I HATED wearing dresses! 🙂
The Babysitter’s Club was my FAVORITE!!! I definitely tried starting my own business a few times hahaha hmm I really liked Dawn and Stacey, though come to think of it, I wanted to be a little bit of all the characters in a way. Good times 🙂
Ohmigoodness!! I just had to comment on this post, even though I have NEVER commented on your blog before (however, your blog is one of my original fav food blogs ;p), because BSC! I literally was the only one of all my friends to read this series (I used to read Little BSC too tehe), but I was definitely Claudia- artsy, long dark brown hair, almond shaped eyes, obsessed w/ junk food and junk reading =] Wow so strange that so many people used to read BSC- and I’m sure we’re all different ages (I’m 17)!
thanks for commenting! 🙂 i LOVED little sister books too. oooh karen! 😉